domingo, 2 de maio de 2010

Why Jesus died??

Some atheists would begin with this same question. Why Jesus died? Why should a righteous man give himself to sinners? God's marvelous love is the answer for that. A love without comparison.
But this question I'm making as a Christian and to the Christian society. why Jesus died?
Many Christians will open up their mounths very proudly to say that Jesus died for "my" sins. Jesus died so that we might walk as he walked. Yeah. So we need to follow this and this rule, we must live in the Christian community, etc, etc. Obviously in one sense it is true. But isn't this answer incomplete? What was the final aim of Jesus' death??? Why we should consider it?
He died for all humanity.
Because Jesus's biggest commands were Love God over everything and love your brother as yourself.
Do the Christian community love the world? No, I'm not asking if they love the world schemes or the world view. I'm asking if they love the people there, the ones who are also affected by the perversity that pervades this world. Jesus taught us we should love not only the ones who are brothers or sisters, not only the ones we feel comfortable with. In this sense I have to confess. I always critized people for making acception of others. For being selfish. But I, myself, in many ways, am not so willing to deal with some people I think are too pround and conceited. But I have realized that they all need God. It's just appearance, nothing more. Just a mask that people wear to appear good. But inside we all have a big hole that can only be filled with the presence of Jesus.
It's a big difference to say we are Christians and be a real Christian. AS Christian we do not make aception of people. There is no rule of holiness that can forbid us to love people (if it is really love). People focus in biblical doctrines just like "can't do it", "don't make it", "don't say it", so that the bible must guide them exactly in what to do. An oracle. Unfortunately, if we read the bible this way we run the rist of trying to obey all the bible and letting the most important behind - love our neighbors. Isn't it not biblical? Didn't Jesus say it? So, why do people make so much war, why do they offend others, why do they fight and opress people because of what should be life???
Because they haven't find discovered yet the true meaning of Jesus' death. If we cannot see in people the blood of Jesus, then, it will be of no use. Jesus died for people. He died because God loved this world and gave his only son for it. Why should we complicate so much the gospel? God's work in real and powerful in human's soul. Why should we diminish the power of God and begin to imprision people in our rules and prejudices? God can do in people's live what they need him to do. Nothing less. We must love people first, and then, it will be a compliment to preach the gospel. That's a disaster when we try to follow one commandment without considering the most important one - love.

sexta-feira, 30 de abril de 2010


Why do we worry so much? We are constantly worried about our finances, our family, we are always searching for something, etc. But I'd like to talk about a specific kind of worries. The spiritual one. We, as Christians, try to make the best for our good. We must do. The problem is that it can be useless if we cannot understand that God understands us, loves us and know we will not all the time be right. We try to make everything the right way and it seems that the most we try, the most we can't. Why our hearts are so troublesome? God knows our fragile structure very well. He will give us the victory over areas in our lives slowly. Step by step. Because he know how we are susceptible to errors and how we can be easily hurt and easily desperate. We must learn everyday to trust God, not only in our material life, but also in the spiritual life. We should not be desperate if we cannot follow the pattern established as "Christians should do and be". God understand us and if we can understand that God loves us, exactly this way we are and he is asking us to love him and try to make our best in the things we can. Forget about your sins, the ones you cannot change, if you give them too much attention, they will be always in the center of your life. Try to live life deeply, that's what scriptures say - all which is good, etc.... in that you should think! For sure there are so nice things in life we should give more time. Let's take time with people, friends, family, etc. Let's learn to listen and to talk gently the tongue of the heart. Let's learn to take advantage not only of our reasoning but also our feelings to serve God. If we commit so many errors, we should not fight against the errors, because we can fight and never be free. Let's accept the fact we are sinners. But let's feel day by day our lives with good things and soon we will see how spiritually strong we have become. Our spirituality is formed by what we eat everyday. Our spiritual food must be good. We must dedicate time for God, for people, for doing what is pleasant, for rest. We must get free from ourselves. We think too much in ourselves. MY sins, MY life, MY relationship with that person. What about telling someone you like, but they don't demonstrate the same to you, what about open your heart and tell your feelings? What about tell your friends how you like them? Yeah, we should not only love people in words, worst only in feelings or thoughts, but in action. Telling is a good beginning, but if we can do something, it is much more nice. We are afraid what people will think. The air is so full that we lost our own personality by fear of the cricism of others. We lose ourselves and we don't live life deeply as we should. We should be free. We must be happy. Not because of what we are or have, but because we can have the real freedom of ourselves and other's prejudices. We are free to do everything that is good and pleasant and of good honor.We, as children, grow everyday and take the most of it.

quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010


We all come to a point in life that we would like to begin everything again. Most of times it looks like so difficult or even impossible. We would like to draw a new picture of our lives, we would like to be completely different from what we have been until now. That's a yarning for renewal. The bible is full of symbols for the internal rebirth, the batism is the most important. The important about all this is that we can restart our lives. God gives us that opportunity. The bible says that all sins will be forgiven but not the sin against the holy spirit. Yeah, there are moments we think that we won't be forgiven or that we shouldn't be, since because we have already sinned so much and sometimes our sins look like so big. For some people it means nothing. If you don't transpasses the law, if you don't make anything inacceptable for the society... But if we still don't do what God wants of us, we, as Christians, cannot feel well. We are all sinners and need God's grace. So, what should we do???
Confess our sins is a great thing. We must believe God can forgive us and give us his grace. We must open completely our hearts until we feel healed. Jesus is the best friend we will ever have. He understands us better than anybody else. Satan is the one who accuses us. Sometimes some people take this place. The ones who accuse others and make them feel worse than they are. But God shows us that we need his grace and that's exactly what He has for us. He has come to save what has been lost. We are lost. It doesn't matter how sinners we feel or the size or quantity of our transgressions. God has called us, who can receive his word, he called us to live a new life in him. God is always with arms open. We must desperately come to him and find in him the source of our happiness, the healing for our wounds, the water our thirst and the food for our hunger. The almighty is the fountain of happiness we need to live here. Solo Christus.
Then, we must begin right now a new path. We must forget the past and look for what we can do right now. Walk with God is not too easy, but in Him we can do it. It is a daily fight. Sometimes we can feel weak, maybe we can even fall, hurt ourselves, but we must not forget God is the one who is calling us. If we don't give up, if we persevere, we will reap Salvation in him. Sola Gratia.

My contact

Whoever wants to talk about God, Christianity and Philosophy or simply open your heart, I'd be glad to meet you at
skype - "Andreikovsk"