sábado, 19 de julho de 2008


Smile tho' your heart is aching,
Smile even tho' it's breaking,
When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by,
If you smile thro' your fear and sorrow,

Smile and maybe tomorrow,
you'll see the sun come shining thro; for you

Light up your face with gladness,
Hide ev'ry trace of sadness,

Al -'tho a tear may be ever so near,
That's the time,
You must keep on trying,

Smile, what's the use of crying,
You'll find that life is still worth-while,
If you just smile (Charles Chaplin)

domingo, 13 de julho de 2008

The Soft Breeze

We must be attentive to hear God's voice. Maybe you are waiting God to talk to you in a special way, in a way that you think you will finally believe or your live will completely be changed. I simply don't think God will do it. God will talk as a soft breeze, by people you don't think could carry that wonderful message, maybe God will not use great ministers or recognized religious people, maybe he decides to use a simple person to tell you the most wonderful message that will change your life forever. The miracle is over there. It doesn't matter how we are, regardless of who we are and what we have got, God can say a word for us and change everything. First, you must to search it with all your heart. There is not a greater miracle than being touched by God and begin a new life. Other things you can lose during your way in life, but your heart firm in God is the most greatest gift of all. Then, you must pay attention to what God tells you by observing the world around, the people's strength to overcome problems, like deseases or handicap, it is God's power being revealed in human weaknesses. You must listen to what people say to you, maybe God can be talking to you. God prefers to manifest himself to us by human beings, since he created us his image. Our ears must be attentive to what people around is telling us. God really wants to reveal himself to us, He's Jehova, the one who revealed himself, who reveals his face and will be revealed. But He just reveals himself as we pay attention to small and simply things in life, He prefers to talk by breezes than by wirlwinds. There were a time when men's heart was so hard that God decided to use a donkey to talk to a man. Human obstination and pride impede them to listen to God's voice. The third step is to believe in what you hear, sincerely believe that if God says you can 'walk over the sea', you really do! Believe that his hand are lifting you up and your life will never more be equal. You will be born again! So we must recognize that we are sinners and how thirsty and hungry we are, how poor and stupid (without wisdom we were) and thus we can receive the water, the food, the clothes, the wisdom and the peace of God that exceeds all understanding and we will see that God is really Good! Try and see that the Lord is Good!!

sábado, 10 de maio de 2008


I just met you when the flowers begin to wither. For you that moment was the beginning of a nightmare that insisted not to finish. You felt alone in the middle of nowhere close to nobody. I really can't find the words to describe what is to be in front of the death. However, your faith in the saviour never wrinkled. Despite everything your faith was growing, more and more. You had taught us how weak we are and how strong, with God, we can be. In fact, I didn't want only to help, but to find a friend. That what happened. There were times when I could admire how fast you considered me a so close friend. But the friends we make during the pain are, at least, deep friends.
So you got fine , everybody thought that everything would be great again but, suddenly, the cancer took you from us, but delivered you into God's arms.
About my friend, who let me great teachings, especially concerning God - sweet memories!

Je t'ai rencontré juste quand les fleurs étaient en fanant. Pour toi ce moment a été le debut d'un caucemar qui insistait à non finir. tu a senti seul dans aucun endroit près de personne. Je vraiment ne sais pas les mots que je peux utiliser afin d'expresser ce qui signifie être devant de la mort. Toutefois, ta fois en le Salvateur n'a jamais fanée. En dépit de tout ta fois a toujours croître. Tu nous as apris quel faible sommes nous et quel fort nous pouvons , avec Dieu, être. En fait, je ne voulais pas seulement t'aider, mais rencontre un ami à toi. C'est ça qu'arrivait. Il y avait des moments que j'ai pu admirer quel rapide tu m'a considerer un ami à toi. Mais les amis qu'on fait pendant la peine sont, au moins, des profonds amis.
Ainsi, tu a amélioré, tout le monde a pensé que tout serait bien encore une fois, mais, soudainement, le cancer t'a arraché de nous et t'a délivré dans les bras de Dieu.
Sur un ami à moi, qui m'a apris beaucoup de choses et, spécialement, à propos de Dieu.
Ces sont des belles mémoires!!

sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

Quand J'ai désisté

Il n'y a point de secret non plus: La principal leçon que la vie peut nous donner c'est apprendre à perdre. Il faut reconnâitre notre faiblesse et reconnaître que nous ne pouvons pas réussi tous ceux que nous voulons. Nous sommes limités et c'est merveilleux quand nous comprendre c'est réalité. Reconnâitre qui nous sommes c'est un bon debut de se tourner vraiment humain. La patience est simplement essenciel à la vie. Si nous devons attendre quelque chose jusqu'à la mort, que pouvons nous faire cela! Car le vie est courte et nos rêves et nos espoirs doivent être bien guardés. Nous ne devons pas espérer quelque chose d'espécial dans cette monde. Si il y a de bonheurs qu'ils peuvent venir d'une façon simple, que nous ne pourrions pas savoir, que l'allegresse peut nous surprendre comme un voleur, comme la pluit d'été, comme une fête surprise d'anniversaire, que nous pourrions avoir le meilheur de cette monde sans oublier ce que nous devons retenir pour la lointaine terre qui nous a été reservé.

When I surrender

There's no secret anymore: The main lesson that life give us is to learn to lose. We must recognize our weaknesses and recognize that we cannot get everything we want. We are limited persons and it's wonderful when we can understand that reality. Acknowledge who we really are is a real good beginning to become actually human. The patience is just essencial to life. If we must wait something until death, that we may do so! Because life passes swiftly and our dreams and hopes must be well kept. We are not supposed to expect anything special from this world. If there is hapinesses, may they come in a simple way, in such a way we cannot know, that joy may surprise us as a thief, as the rain of summer, as a party of birthday, that we may have the best of this world without forget what we must retain to the far land that is waiting for us.

segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2008

Picture made by Una, Letonne.
wo3 shì shuí ne? Zhè shì yi ge nán de wèn ti.


是谁呀? 还是一个.
who am I? That's a difficult question.
Je suis qui? C'est un difficile question.
Quién soy? Es una questión muy dificil.
Quem soy eu? essa é uma questão muito difícil.

I believe deeply that what is important is not what we've got in this life, but what we do to that. Our decisions can open doors for great dreams we may have or destroy all hope, we just need to choose the first. Just try to live a peaceful life. Deeply. NOTHING ELSE CAN SAY WHAT I AM BESIDES MY OWN ACTIONS AND CHOICES. AND BEYOND IT, JUST MY FAITH AND BELIEFS, MY INTERNAL HUMAN BEEN, MY DEEPEST "I".